Searching for an OET Study Buddy? Look for These Traits

Tackling your training sessions for OET in Quezon City with a study partner has a lot of advantages. They include:

·         a better understanding of the exam
·         improved time management
·         enhanced study motivation
·         improved review morale
·         diminished stress levels
·         reduced risk of experiencing test anxiety

These are the reasons why most OET takers—regardless of whether they’re preparing with an online course or a center-based facility like the JRooz OET review center in Quezon City—choose to study with another person. 

OET Quezon city

Want to enjoy these benefits? Find the ideal study partner.

By “ideal study partner,” we mean someone who can help you keep your eyes on the prize and focus on your OET training. So, your best friend may not be the best person for the job. There’s a huge chance that your preparation sessions can devolve into bonding sessions—fun, but certainly not productive for OET review. Your seatmate at your training course for OET in Quezon City is a better option.

Be objective. Find someone who …

Shares your objectives
It’s crucial that your study partner has the same or similar goals to your own. Here’s why.

o   It will put you on the same page when it comes to OET training.
o   It will diminish any test-related reservations you have about each other.
o   It will enhance your OET review experience.

For these reasons, partnering with another OET taker is highly recommended. But, don’t be hasty. Refrain from getting your seatmate at the OET review center in Quezon City as a study buddy until you’ve established his/her motivations. How much do they want to secure their grade goals? Are they prepared to invest a lot of time making sense of complicated concepts or do they give up at the first sign of a difficult challenge? Get to know someone well before you make them your study buddy.

Improves your concentration
There is already no shortage of OET training distractions. Why add a distracting study partner into the mix? So, avoid partnering with people who love to multi-task, talk about subjects unrelated to OET during review sessions, and take frequent and unnecessary study breaks.

Complements your learning habits
Do you absorb information best when you study in silence? If so, don’t partner with someone who prefers to review with background music. Likewise, don’t study with someone who’s disorganized if you have neat freak tendencies. Otherwise, you’ll encounter a lot of issues in the future. Find someone whose review habits won’t clash with your own.

Boost your chances of achieving your desired OET score! Find the best study partner in your classes at the OET Quezon city to supercharge your training experience.

Fleming, Grace. "Why Should Students Have a Study Partner?" ThoughtCo. Accessed December 12, 2018.

"Fullerton Tutor Tips: 5 Great Qualities in a Study Partner." TutorNerds. December 26, 2015. Accessed December 12, 2018.

Sahaj, Bhlachandra. "How to Choose a Study Partner." Academic Help. December 08, 2016. Accessed December 12, 2018.

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