5 Active Recall Strategies to Boost Your OET Online Training

Finding simple ways to develop your OET online training is essential in achieving a high band score in the Occupational English Test. For instance, using an active recall strategy is an effective study technique that most test takers used to boost their OET preparation.

OET online training

What Is Active Recall?
Active recall is a process of remembering information by repeating activities such as memorizing, reading, and writing. It also involves deep concentration and critical-thinking skills. Active recall is also an efficient way of moving information from short-term to long-term memory so that you can easily remember various ideas and thoughts during the Occupational English Test. Below are five active recall strategies to boost your OET online training:

1. Using Flash Cards
Using flash cards is the most common active recall strategy that most students used during their review sessions. This strategy involves writing questions on one side and the answers on the other side of a flash card. The process of writing flash cards is perfect for familiarizing yourself with what you need to remember.

2. Rewriting your notes
Rewriting your notes is an effective active recall strategy that you can apply in your OET preparation online. To do this effectively, look for any note-taking technique such as the outline, sentence, charting, and box and bullet method. Use any of these note-taking techniques when rewriting notes or even your course training materials.

3. Rereading texts
Rereading is a process of repeatedly reading specific texts from your notes or a book. This active recall strategy ensures that you don’t miss any information from the text. When rereading, apply a reading strategy such as skimming, scanning, and sentence highlighting to conserve time during your OET online training.

4. Answering practice tests
Answering practice tests is an active recall strategy that involves recalling information from your notes and analyzing various question types. The key to answering practice tests is taking it as you would the actual exam. Answering practice tests develops your critical-thinking skills and helps you feel comfortable on the day of your Occupational English Test.

5. Discussing your notes with others
Discussing your notes with others involves attending group study sessions and sharing your notes with your group study mates. This active recall strategy gives you the opportunity to learn new information from others and to understand critical points from the text.

Do you want to know more study tips and test-taking strategies? Enroll now in JRooz OET Review Center and don’t forget to subscribe to our blog today!

"5 Powerful Active Recall Strategies." Welcome to Aly's World. May 20, 2018. Accessed October 23, 2018. http://welcometoalysworld.com/2017/03/31/active-recall-strategies/.

Christine & Mike. "Active Recall Is an Effective Learning Technique." SpeakToYourMind | Flashcard Desktop App for Windows 10. Accessed October 23, 2018. https://www.speaktoyourmind.com/blog/active-recall.

Di Sano, S. "What Is Active Recall and How Effective Is It?" Atomi. August 20, 2018. Accessed October 23, 2018. https://getatomi.com/staffroom/what-is-active-recall-and-how-effective-is-it/.

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