Dos and Don'ts in the OET Speaking Exam

Do you get a grade A in the OET speaking sub-test? Consider the dos and don’ts below when you take the exam. 

OET Review Center Baguio Tips: What You Should Do During the Exam

Did you know that you should be aware of the sub-test’s scoring criteria before taking it? Knowing how you are being graded enhances your performance. For the speaking sub-test, know that you are scored based on your intelligibility, fluency, overall communicative effectiveness, and resources of grammar and expression. 

The Nurse's Guide to Balancing Work and OET Classes

Preparing for the Occupational English Test is easy if you have a lot of time on your hands. Just enroll in the best OET center in your area, and you'll be on your way to getting your grade goal! However, what if you’re currently employed?

The Challenge of Balancing Work and OET Classes

Striking a balance between your work and personal commitments is already a difficult task all on its own; what more if OET review is added into the mix? 

The stakes are high on both sides. You can’t let your work performance suffer just so you could attend your OET classes. Lives are literally on the line in your occupation. On the other hand, you can’t miss a single review session if you want to get your grade goal. So, how should you prepare for the exam?

How to Get Into the Right Mindset for Your OET Training

Are you preparing for the Occupational English Test with a review course? Want to enhance your OET training experience? Make sure you’re in the right mindset for studying. 

How to Survive the Intensive Training in the OET Review Center

Instructors provide students with lectures and strategies that they will need to acquire their OET exam score goal. However, the lectures they offer are limited to academic courses. They do not tell you how to get the most out of your student time and enjoy the whole OET training journey. 

Ultimate Survival Tips for OET Students

We understand that surviving intensive training can be challenging. Hence, we bring you a discussion of tips and strategies on how to survive your demanding student life.

5 Simple Steps to Improve Your Speaking Skills for the Occupational English Test

Since the Occupational English Test was launched in 2017, many healthcare professionals are choosing OET over other English assessment exams. Most nurses find the exam more relevant and helpful for their journey abroad than other English-proficiency tests. Here are some reasons why.

The OET exam uses terms that most healthcare professionals encounter in the medical field.
The exam is specially designed for healthcare providers who want to showcase their abilities overseas.
The exam includes real medical scenarios that allow students to have a better understanding of what to expect in their career abroad.

The Test Taker’s Guide to the OET Exam

Knowing OET inside out will give you the opportunity to tailor your review to its demands and criteria—which is why it’s vital that you build up your test knowledge during your OET exam preparation. Read on to get an overview of the life-changing exam. 

Why take the OET Exam?

Like the IELTS, TOEFL, PTE, and other internationally acknowledged English exams, the OET provides test takers with an accurate assessment of their linguistic skills. Unlike most proficiency tests, however, it caters to a specific industry. 

OET 101: Conditioning Your Mind for the OET Exam

The OET exam can be overwhelming especially if you let the exam pressure get into your head. A sharp mind, active body, and drive to reach your goals—these are all you need to fight stress and conquer your test score goals 

Importance of Conditioning Your Mind
Engaging in a high-stakes exam without preparation can be detrimental to your exam success. Studies show that poor test performance can be traced back to negative mindset. Hence, it is essential that you condition your mind to avoid wasting all the time and effort you have spent on the OET review.