Showing posts with label OET Training. Show all posts
Showing posts with label OET Training. Show all posts

OET Test-Taking Strategies for Listening Part C: Presentation Extracts

OET Listening Sub-test Part C: Presentation Extracts
Presentation extracts task is the third and final part of the OET listening sub-test. In this listening task, you will listen to two different extracts of healthcare professionals, which could be solo presentations or interviews. Your task is to answer six multiple-choice questions for each extract. OET Listening Part C takes around 15 minutes to complete and evaluates your ability to follow a recorded presentation or interview on a range of accessible healthcare topics.

OET Training Distractions and How to Minimize Them

Do you want to boost your chances of OET success? Make the most out of your OET training period. Don’t let the distractions below interfere with your test preparations. Read on to find out how to minimize them. 

5 Study Tips That Just Don't Work for OET Review

If you find yourself falling your practice exams despite weeks of intensive OccupationalEnglish Test (OET) review sessions, don’t worry. This does not automatically mean that you’re doomed to fail the high-stakes exam. It could just mean that you adopted inefficient study tips.

Everything You Need to Know About OET Exam Refunds

What if after weeks of intensive Occupational English Test (OET) review, something suddenly came up and you can’t take the exam on your scheduled test date? Is there anything you can do so your training and test fee won’t go to waste? 

Learning About the OET Reading Section: Part A

The OET Reading Part A is a “summary completion” task. This reading test takes about 15 minutes and you are required to read 3-4 texts, each containing 650 words that are related to a specific topic. You will be given a summary of four short texts with gaps and your task is to fill the gaps (25–35 items) with the correct words taken from the texts. Moreover, the OET Reading Part A measures your ability in the following aspects:

Dos and Don'ts When Taking the OET Writing Sub-test

If you think working in a hospital for years guarantees a high OET writing grade, then you may have another thing coming. The OET writing sub-test is not your average writing exam. You’ll be scored based on:

How to Use the Method of Loci in Your OET Training

Mnemonic devices are crafted to help your brain recall and encode essential information using various familiar tools such as images, locations, words and other ideas. For nurses and other medical practitioners who are preparing for their OET review, it is essential to have a mnemonic device as it can help boost their memorization skills. For instance, one of the most effective and oldest mnemonic devices is the method of loci.

5 Practical Tips to Develop a Comprehensive OET Training

As a medical practitioner, enhancing your career is essential as it helps you learn new information and earn more experience in the medical field. If you are planning to pursue a career abroad, one beneficial thing that you need to enhance is your communication skills. For instance, you must look for an OET training center to help you improve your English language skills.  

The Occupational English Test was established for healthcare professionals who want to pursue their careers in English-speaking countries. If you are aiming to get a high score on the Occupational English Test, try following these five practical tips:

The Nurse's Guide to Balancing Work and OET Classes

Preparing for the Occupational English Test is easy if you have a lot of time on your hands. Just enroll in the best OET center in your area, and you'll be on your way to getting your grade goal! However, what if you’re currently employed?

The Challenge of Balancing Work and OET Classes

Striking a balance between your work and personal commitments is already a difficult task all on its own; what more if OET review is added into the mix? 

The stakes are high on both sides. You can’t let your work performance suffer just so you could attend your OET classes. Lives are literally on the line in your occupation. On the other hand, you can’t miss a single review session if you want to get your grade goal. So, how should you prepare for the exam?

How to Get Into the Right Mindset for Your OET Training

Are you preparing for the Occupational English Test with a review course? Want to enhance your OET training experience? Make sure you’re in the right mindset for studying. 

How to Survive the Intensive Training in the OET Review Center

Instructors provide students with lectures and strategies that they will need to acquire their OET exam score goal. However, the lectures they offer are limited to academic courses. They do not tell you how to get the most out of your student time and enjoy the whole OET training journey. 

Ultimate Survival Tips for OET Students

We understand that surviving intensive training can be challenging. Hence, we bring you a discussion of tips and strategies on how to survive your demanding student life.

Self-Studying vs. Taking OET Classes: Which is Better?

How you spend your preparation period has a huge impact on your OET results. So, if you want to get a grade of B and above, you must make the most out of your review period. 

There are two ways to prepare for the exam: by self-studying or by enrolling in OET classes. It is vital that the review approach you take is tailored to your needs as an OET test taker. Read on to find out their advantages and disadvantages to help you decide which study approach is best for you. 

OET Preparation Course Preview: OET Exam Format Guide

Do you want to boost your chances of reaching your desired grade in the Occupational English Test? Get to know the exam format before you start your review! 

Knowing the test’s structure and coverage will enable you to tailor your studies to its specific demands. So, expand your knowledge about the OET exam. Enroll in an OET preparation course to get an idea of what to expect in the test. Below are some of the things that OET instructors will teach you about the format.