Frequently Asked Questions About Acceptable IDs in OET

Why do OET takers need to have an acceptable ID for the exam? What types of ID do OET administrators accept? How important is it to have one? What will happen if you fail to present one on your test date?

OET Listening Tips – Part B: Presentation

Accepted by the regulatory healthcare bodies and councils in various English-speaking countries, the Occupational English Test (OET) is designed specifically for nurses and other medical professionals who want to pursue their careers abroad.

Learning About the OET Reading Section: Part A

The OET Reading Part A is a “summary completion” task. This reading test takes about 15 minutes and you are required to read 3-4 texts, each containing 650 words that are related to a specific topic. You will be given a summary of four short texts with gaps and your task is to fill the gaps (25–35 items) with the correct words taken from the texts. Moreover, the OET Reading Part A measures your ability in the following aspects:

How to Use Sketch Notes for OET Review

Are you tired of staring at chunks of text when you study? Want to deviate from your usual note-taking habits—maybe by adding visual elements to your notes—without sacrificing your notes’ efficiency and coherence? Try sketchnoting! Read on to find out what it is, what you can get out of it, and how to use it to enhance your OET training center course.

Dos and Don'ts When Taking the OET Writing Sub-test

If you think working in a hospital for years guarantees a high OET writing grade, then you may have another thing coming. The OET writing sub-test is not your average writing exam. You’ll be scored based on:

OET September 2018 Update: Everything You Need to Know

Head’s up! The Occupational English Test (OET) is going to be updated this year. Make sure you consider the test updates during your review if you’re planning to take the exam from September onwards,

Occupational English Test Philippines: Fast Facts about the September Update

The thing about healthcare is that it’s constantly changing. The developers of the OET exam know this. So, they decided to update it to make sure the test continues to reflect the kinds of communication that medical professionals will likely encounter at work. Here’s what you need to know about the upcoming update.